Friday, March 8, 2013

Purple Cake Day !

What a fabulous time we have had learning about children living in Kenya and going to school there. We looked at what things were the same and what things were different. We are so thankful for our warm homes, hot and cold water we get from our taps and  the fact that we are able to live with our families. Our classrooms and school has so much equipment and we have brightly coloured walls, tables,reading books and even computers. We wrote stories about what we are  thankful  for. 

Daniel brought some purple seeds to show us. Beans will grow from these purple seeds.

Some children in Kenya have to sleep in big rooms with other girls or boys, but we can have a bedroom all for ourselves.

These classrooms look very different to ours!

We enjoyed eating purple jelly  with purple grapes.

We have sunny, brightly coloured classrooms with  lots of equipment. We are very thankful for everything we have !

1 comment:

  1. What a lovley fun day you guys had :)
    Williams Mum :)
